
This video summarizes the Kyoto Animation arson murder case that occurred on July 18, 2019, from the beginning of the incident to the first trial.

0:00 2019年7月18日、事件発生 The incident occurred on July 18, 2019.
0:58 激しく焼損した第1スタジオ First studio severely damaged by fire
1:12 容疑者とみられる男 man believed to be a suspect
1:42 防犯カメラに写った男 man caught on security camera
2:06 大阪の病院から転院する容疑者 Suspect transferred from hospital in Osaka
2:53 伏見署に移送される容疑者 Suspect transported to Fushimi Police Station
3:49 初公判で傍聴券を求める行列 Line of people seeking admission tickets at the first trial
4:08 裁判所に入る車列 motorcade entering court