At the Shinko Festival (July 17) and the Kanko Festival (July 24) of the Gion Festival, Kuze Komagata Chigo, who will lead the mikoshi on horseback, will be decided at Ayato Kunaka Shrine (Kuze, Minami Ward, Kyoto City). announced on June 15, 2023. It has been canceled since 2020 due to the new coronavirus, and it has been elected for the first time in four years.
在祗園祭的神幸節(7月17日)和觀光節(7月24日),將在綾人國中神社(京都市南區久世)決定騎馬帶領神轎的久世駒形千後。於 2023 年 6 月 15 日宣布。 由於新的冠狀病毒,它自 2020 年以來一直被取消,並且是四年來首次當選。
August 16, 2024