
“Kyoto Takigi Noh,” a traditional event that announces the beginning of June, opened on June 1, 2023. Due to the forecast of rain, the venue was changed from the outdoor stage of Heian Jingu Shrine (Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City) to the main hall of the nearby ROHM Theater Kyoto. This year, you can enjoy a tour of Kyoto that transcends time and space with programs set in Kyoto temples and shrines such as Kiyomizudera.

宣告六月開始的傳統活動“京都瀧木能”於 2023 年 6 月 1 日開幕。 由於預報有雨,場地從平安神宮(京都市左京區)的室外舞台改到了附近的ROHM Theatre Kyoto的本堂。 今年,您可以通過以清水寺等京都寺廟和神社為背景的節目,享受跨越時空的京都之旅。