The Ichinanbu Clean Center, located in Yokooji, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City, is attracting attention as a new famous spot for hydrangeas. Approximately 18,000 colorful plants, such as red, white, and blue, are planted along the sidewalk named "Hydrangea Komichi" and are in full bloom.
The hydrangea path was developed in 2019 in conjunction with the opening of the city's environmental learning facility "Sasuten Kyoto". (Taken on June 7, 2023)
位於京都市伏見區橫尾路的一南部清潔中心作為新的紫陽花名勝而備受矚目。 名為“小道繡球花”的人行道沿線種植著紅、白、藍等約18,000株色彩繽紛的植物,盛開著。
繡球花路於 2019 年配合該市的環境學習設施“Sasuten Kyoto”的開放而開發。 (拍攝於 2023 年 6 月 7 日)