Marinated new onions, squid, and sweet summer mandarin oranges

【Materials】 (For 2 people)
New onion…100 grams
Spear squid…1 (80 grams)
Sweet summer mandarin oranges…1/2 piece (80 grams)
Apple cider vinegar…1 teaspoon
Extra virgin olive oil…2 tablespoons
Salt…appropriate amount
Coarsely ground pepper…appropriate amount
Italian parsley…appropriate amount

【How to make】
(1) Slice the new onion thinly, spread it on a plate, and let it sit for a while.
(2) Remove the cartilage and membranes from the squid, cut the body into rounds, and cut the rest into bite-sized pieces, then quickly blanch in boiling water.
(3) Peel the sweet summer.
(4) Put apple cider vinegar and olive oil in a bowl, mix well, add (1), (2), and (3), and season with salt.
(5) Place (4) on a plate, sprinkle with coarsely ground pepper, and sprinkle with chopped Italian parsley.

When making a marinade, spread out the thinly sliced new onions and expose them to the air for a while to retain the nutritional content and lose some of the spiciness, making them easier to eat. New onions are fruity, so they go well with fruits.

                                                            by  Masako Yoshimura(Culinary expert,Registered dietician)

Articles are excerpts from reports and news in the Kyoto Shimbun. Due to automatic translation, some expressions may not be accurate.