
大阪地方氣象台於2023年5月29日發布消息稱,據信近畿地區已進入梅雨季節。 比常年提前8天,比去年提前16天。 從2013年5月開始進入雨季,已經過去10年了。 京都市從早上開始下著斷斷續續的雨,在中京區的御池通,被雨水打濕的亮藍色繡球花在梅雨的天空中閃耀著光芒。

The Osaka District Meteorological Observatory announced on May 29, 2023 that the Kinki region is believed to have entered the rainy season. 8 days earlier than normal and 16 days earlier than last year. It has been 10 years since 2013 that the rainy season started in May. In Kyoto City, it rained intermittently from the morning, and at Oike-dori in Nakagyo Ward, the bright blue hydrangeas that were wet with the rain were shining in the rainy season sky.