On July 10, 2023, one week before the Yamaboko Junko parade (July 17), the pre-festival of the Gion Festival, 'hokodate' began around Shijo Karasuma in central Kyoto. On this day, the naginata, Hakoya, Tsuki, Tori, and Kikusui floats were being worked on from early in the morning, and the sound of the hammer echoed through the town where commuters and tourists came and went.
2023 年 7 月 10 日,即祗園祭的前祭山花子巡遊(7 月 17 日)前一周,“函館”在京都市中心的四條烏丸周圍開始。 這一天,薙刀、箱屋、月、鳥、菊水等花車從一大早就開始製作,錘子的聲音在來來往往的通勤者和遊客的街道上迴盪。