
【京都・滋賀の紅葉ガイド 紅葉の色付き最新情報も紹介】https://www.kyoto-np.co.jp/subcategory/momiji

The autumn leaves are at their peak along the Lake Biwa Canal in Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City, pleasing the eyes of locals who enjoy walking and jogging, as well as tourists who visit. The autumn leaves are also at their best along the approach to the nearby Bishamon-do Temple.


교토시 야마시나구의 비와코 수로를 따라 단풍이 색깔의 피크를 맞아 산책이나 조깅을 즐기는 이웃 사람이나 방문한 관광객의 눈을 즐겁게 하고 있다. 단풍이 제철이다.