【4K Video】On July 19, 2024, the Mitarashi Festival (a ritual in which people dip their feet in the pond on the shrine grounds to pray for health and longevity) began at Shimogamo Shrine, a World Heritage Site in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City. In the scorching heat, families dipped their feet in the cool water of the pond, feeling a moment of coolness, and offered lanterns to pray for health and longevity.
00:05 下鴨神社参道(糺の森) Approach to Shimogamo Shrine (Tadasu no Mori)
00:55 南口鳥居をくぐる Pass through the south gate
01:14 楼門をくぐる Passing through the tower gate
01:52 みたらしまつり入口 Entrance to the Mitarashi Festival
02:20 ろうそくを受け取る Receive a candle
02:48 御手洗(みたらし)池に入る Entering Mitarashi Pond
03:56 ろうそくを供え、手を合わせて無病息災を祈る Offering candles, putting hands together and praying for health and safety
06:01 ご神水を飲み心身を清める Drink the holy water to purify your body and mind
06:27 水みくじ Water fortune slip