京都府八幡市の淀川河川公園背割堤地区で2024年5月25日、「背割堤のチャリサイ! 2024」が始まった。全国から自転車販売店や代理店などが集まり、様々なタイプの自転車の展示や試乗体験、講演会や体験会などが行われた。会場ではマルシェも開かれ、飲食ブースや物販ブースで飲食品や手作り雑貨なども販売されて、多くの来場者で賑わった。5月26日まで。
On May 25, 2024, "Sewaretei no Charisai! 2024" began in the Sewaretei area of Yodogawa River Park in Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture. Bicycle dealers and agents gathered from all over the country, and various types of bicycles were exhibited, test rides were held, and lectures and trial sessions were held. A marche was also held at the venue, and food and beverages and handmade miscellaneous goods were sold at food and beverage booths and merchandise booths, attracting many visitors. Until May 26th.