On July 21, 2024, the Gion Festival entered the Yoiyama period of Atomatsuri. On this day of Yoiyoiyoiyama, in the center of Kyoto city where a total of 11 floats stood, the lights of Komagata lanterns floated and tourists enjoyed strolling.
00:07 鈴鹿山 Suzuka-yama
00:33 室町通 Muromachi-street
01:28 黒主山 Kuronushi-yama
02:11 三条通 Sanjo-street
02:18 鷹山 Taka-yama
03:09 浄妙山 Jomyo-yama
03:39 蛸薬師通 Takoyakushi-street
04:05 橋弁慶山 Hashibenkei-yama
04:56 室町通 Muromachi-street
05:18 鯉山 Koi-yama
06:04 新町通 Shinmachi-street
06:50 南観音山 Minamikannon-yama
07:56 北観音山 Kitakannon-yama
09:15 八幡山 Hachiman-yama
10:05 役行者山 Ennogyoja-yama