【Materials】 (For 2 people)
Bitter melon…1/2 piece
Salt…2 pinches
Shrimp…6 pieces
Garlic…2-3 cloves
Olive oil…2 tablespoons

【How to make】
①Cut the bitter melon in half lengthwise, remove the pulp and seeds, cut into 5mm pieces, sprinkle with salt and set aside.
②Cut the garlic into thin rings.
③Peel the shrimp and remove the vein.
④Heat the olive oil and ② in a frying pan over medium heat, and when the garlic starts to brown, remove it.
⑤Add ③ and the drained ① to the frying pan in ④, and stir fry. Season with salt, turn off the heat, return the removed garlic to the pan, mix, and serve on a plate.

Articles are excerpts from reports and news in the Kyoto Shimbun. Due to automatic translation, some expressions may not be accurate.